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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » FLIPFLOP! The Dem Party is NOW the political party of family values/morality AND fiscal responsibility. Whad'ya expect next? Why?

FLIPFLOP! The Dem Party is NOW the political party of family values/morality AND fiscal responsibility. Whad'ya expect next? Why?

 The Republicans don't give one WHIT about the $1.5  trillion they are adding to the deficit by their enriching the already obscenely wealthy as they gut Medicare and Social Security. That comes next. A party consisting of conservatives would not allow it. But there is no Republican or Conservatism left anywhere there. All there is DonJohnTrump and whatever he says goes.

Posted - December 8, 2017


  • Since when and according to who? They're not the standard bearers for any "values" or "morals" that I'm familiar with. The biggest egg you've laid in your misguided foray into party identification, is the fiscal responsibility line. Listen carefully, the Dems are the party of tax and spend with wealth distribution. (See also: Obama, Barack). They have been for decades and a proverbial leopard never changes its spots. They've been the world's premier socialist party proudly serving America since the party was hijacked in 1972. If they had their way, everybody here would be living in a mud hut with the possible exception of the wealthy Dems sitting in Congress.
      December 8, 2017 6:18 PM MST

  • 1233
    If a big deficit results, that is the fault of the left for refusing to cut government spending.

    The U.S. needs to cut taxes and spending to turn things around. The only hope for the U.S., and western civilization in general, is a massive stimulus.

    Trump is trying to fix things. People can debate how best to fix things but everyone should be able to agree that SOMETHING needs to be done. The current situation is unsustainable. It is pathetic to criticize Trump without proposing an alternative strategy to return to sustainability. Standing for the status quo is suicide.

    If Trump's stimulus attempts fail, they fail. The alternative is for the country to do nothing and just bleed out slowly anyway.
      December 9, 2017 4:17 AM MST